Off to Boston, and #SSAC16

From Dublin to Boston for the 2016 Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. There will be nerding.

Rucks and ruck data, rugby’s world of the unseen

Data on this is hard to get. More, please.

Committed to the Tackle? You mean he was committed to the *hit*

Is it right that the benefit of the doubt goes to the tackler and not the tackled?

Concussion: should we rehab rather than rest?

The emphasis on Rest is good, but are we doing the Recovery piece right?

The Rare Beauty of the Unconventional Weapon

Pat Venditte, ambidextrous MLB pitcher, and other tales of sporting advantage.

The Metrodome’s roof collapses

Amazing footage from Fox’s local affiliate in Minneapolis of the roof collapsing at the Metrodome.

Oh yes, and it’s from INSIDE the stadium.…

Football – give us throwback kit days please

Yes, it’s a marketing ploy, but it’s a great one.

The NFL, purveyor of all things over-hyped, have one little gimmick that has me suckered hook, line and sinker.

Throwback uniforms.

The uni in the photo, as sported by Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers in yesterday’s game at Lambeau against the SF 49’ers, is a throwback to the 1929 season, the Packers’ first championship season.… Read more...