Scottish Horror, Expansive Italians and the curious tale of Peter O’Mahony

A look back at some more of the weekend's Six Nations points of note, including the continuation of a strange statistical streak

Ireland vs Wales: Kicking Kings

A look at the numbers from Ireland vs Wales, and ahead to Twickenham, for the Irish Examiner

Six Nations Stats – Week 1

A dance through the stats from last weekend's Six Nations rugby for the Irish Examiner

Brian O’Driscoll, the greatest Ireland scrum half we never had

As Brian O'Driscoll prepares to face Wales for a final time in a test match, I had a look back at his 2013 cameo at scrum half in Cardiff and some misty-eyed halfback memories from a former teammate.

Pitching for the Perfect Surface

A piece for the Irish Times on what goes into making a decent surface for top level rugby union

How Technology is Changing Rugby

A feature on the use of technology in rugby for the Irish Times..

Ah sure QF runner-up places always come from pools with the Italian teams

I had a look for the Examiner at this conventional wisdom to see how true it really was